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Make the Most of Your Event

Planning an event takes time, effort, and extensive planning. Don’t forget to include a photographer in your planning. I’m happy to offer my services in capturing and highlighting your next event throughout the Vancouver, Lower Mainland, and Fraser Valley areas. Whether you need photographs for a company website or need to capture those candid personal moments at a bridal shower, I can help. I’ve provided my services to numerous previous events. Please get in touch with me if you want to discuss your event in further detail. I’m happy to answer any questions and offer suggestions on fully capturing your event.

Events We Capture

I offer my services for a variety of events. My services start at $275 per hour, but it can change depending on your needs and desired look. The goal is to provide you with personally edited photographs for your scrapbooks, company websites, or advertisements. Here is a list of the events I capture. If you don’t see an event you need a photographer for, please reach out:

  • Birthday Parties
  • Bridal Showers
  • Baby Showers
  • Anniversaries
  • Corporate Events
  • And More

Why Is Event Photography Important?

Many of the guests at your event would love to have memories and photos they can look back on. Having me as your event photographer allows those memories to be captured while you and your guest can focus on what’s happening. The photographs I take can be used as gifts to those that attended. I’ve compiled some additional reasons why having a photographer at your event is essential:

I Know How to Tell a Story

I have the experience to tell a story with my photographs. I’ll follow the event from start to finish getting the moments that truly make your event stand out.

Capture the Memories

While hosting an event, it can be challenging to keep tabs on everything. Let me capture those little candid moments to highlight how great your guests are.

Benefits to Your Business

My photographs can be used to advertise the benefits of your business and add credibility to your entire organization. It's a great way to generate word-of-mouth.

Get a Personalized Touch

I specialize in lifestyle photography and know how to get that personal touch in photographs. I can anticipate big moments to take advantage of them entirely.

Schedule Your Next Event With Me

Allow me to take some stress away by allowing us to photograph your next event. I have the experience to capture the big moments while not forgoing the little candid moments. Whether you need help with a corporate event or a bridal shower, I’m happy to help. Please get in touch to learn more about my sessions and discuss your needs. I’ll schedule your free consultation on a day and time that works best for you.

Turning moments into memories